Living a Life of Fulfillment in New Year of 2016

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates
Let’s rewind the clock to January 1, 2015, and ask yourself “What if I have only these 12 months to live?” Would you still do the same things the same way that you did in 2015?
Would you take care of your body and health exactly the same way you did in the past year?
Would you have exactly the same earning and spending pattern in the past year?
Would you treat the people around you, regardless if they’re family or friends or foes, the same way you actually did in last 12 months?
And last, would you be ready to bid your final goodbye to your body, family, friends and to this world if death knocks your door just like an unexpected guest?!!!?
If your answer to above all questions are “YES” – well, then congratulations you are living a life of purpose and fulfillment. Keep going and get your mojo working in 2016 as well!
But if your answers are “NO” – then please wake-up and take the charge of your life and do something now with yourself, with your life to make the year of 2016 the most fulfilling one for you.
It’s said that there’s nothing permanent except change. So no matter whether we choose to be an action warrior or a lousy lad, change still will happen in all spheres of our life. The question is not about change, it is about creation.
What do we want to create in our life? What is possible with us and our time when we’re here on this planet? What can we make happen with our own body, mind and our relationship with people? What can we do to have more money, more rewarding relationship with dear ones?
This is what we need to focus on to create some desirable outcomes.
Changes then still will happen in our life, but those changes will now be the results of our deliberate choices.
To create desired changes requires active involvement, actions, and enthusiasm throughout the course of time.
How can we make the coming new year the most fulfilling one? Are there any specific areas that we can focus on to establish the balance, to achieve more progress and yet feeling more peace in our heart? The answer is yes. A very practical, easy and doable solution does exist in fact.
Let’s dive in and find it out.
If you take a hard look at your own life, you will notice that there are four areas which construct the whole wheel of balance in our life. They are:
- Health
- Wealth
- Our Relationship with people and
- Death (our death as well as our beloved one’s).
Our all happiness, unhappiness, problems and complains are revolving around these four areas only. But look what happens…
- Health is always taken for granted.
- Wealth creation is the primary goal of everyone, although no solid actions are ever explored to realize this goal.
- In relationship we care less and expect more from others.
- Sudden death (whether our or our beloved ones) screws us all.
Brutal truth, right?
Just take a moment, close your eyes and rewind the whole year in your mind and think about all these four areas and what did you achieve in each of these areas?
How much importance did you give to health, wealth and relationship while living our life in days, weeks and months in 2015?
Did you do anything significant at all to improve the shape of these four pillars of your happiness in 2015?
If you are asked to assign number 1 to 10 (1 = completely ignored and 10 = well taken care of) what is your evaluation for each of these elements for the last 12 months?
They are either heinously ignored or blindly unbalanced. True or true?
That is why our pursuit of happiness remains an infinite search which lasts forever and yields nothing but more and more unhappiness, frustration, stress, illness, and puts us in an ugly shape of all these four aspects of life.
How can we just be passive observer and let this happen to us!
Is there any way to create balance in our life?
Of course there is. If we understand it fully, a problem always points out the right direction of solution.
These are the only areas to focus on if we truly want to experience the fulfillment and peace of mind.
The way to achieve perfect balance in life is to set your own Personal Practices for creating your health, wealth, and relationship right from the beginning of the year 2016. Visualize and declare what outcomes you want to see at the end of the new year of 2016 in each of these areas, and start taking actions on your goal in coming 52 weeks of time.
Sounds very simple, isn’t it? Yes, but remember simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Productivity expert agrees that planning your day ahead gives a real good head start. If you know what you are going to focus on tomorrow, you can approach things with more clarity.
If you know what outcomes you want to achieve tomorrow, there are better chances to work in right direction with right attitude and with right focus.
If you know what are important things for you and what are not for tomorrow, then it becomes increasingly easy and effective to live your 24 hours with full involvement, clarity and confidence. You will be able to complete all pre-decided tasks that matter to you.
It consumes lot of energy if you have to do both think and act at the same time in the same day. Instead separate the thinking part and take care of it one day prior. Plan out your actions in advance and when it is time for execution, keep your full focus only on taking and completing those actions.
With this razor sharp focus you can achieve almost anything that you desire.
The same practice we can implement to plan our main goals or outcomes for our health, wealth and relationship. This certainly helps us to begin our new year with a bang.
“Focused actions always increase our chances of getting desired results.”
And what about the fourth element – Death? Well, use it to bring 100% mindfulness and involvement.
Imagine that you only have next 12 months to live in 2016.
This awareness of death alone is sufficient to bring an extraordinary mindfulness. It helps you to live in the present moment without brooding over past and being anxious about future. This awareness will automatically shut off all noises and nuisances from your life and will help you focus on only those worthy things that truly matter.
Death is the most certain thing in life anyway, however it’s arrival is highly uncertain. And that is why probably we take our life for granted. “What is so rush?” “I’m not going to die so soon” – this becomes our deep belief system. Easy and passive approach towards life comes from these belief systems.
We fail to live our life with the sense of urgency. The absence of do-it-now philosophy creates unbalance in our life.
Fulfillment hence remains distant dream forever! We walk too much, but reach nowhere!
Of course planning the whole year in advance is not about living a pre-programmed, monotonous robotic life. On the contrary, it’s all about committing to living an organized and well balanced life with self-discipline. At the same time, it is about leaving enough room to welcome all kind of surprises life can throw at us to teach important lessons.
Why we need to give a thought to these four areas of life?
Well, what’s the point of having health, wealth and relationship if we do not approach them with the attitude of creating and maintaining them with the best of our capabilities?
And being the best has everything to do with decision, commitment, actions and persistence.
Being the best has means to deal with all situation and circumstances with faith, optimism and positivity.
You will surround yourself with friends, people, peers who add value.
You will feed your brain with the best thoughts, best books and intellectual conversations.
Let yourself be in the best physical shape in 2016.
Let yourself enjoy the awesome wealth creation process and results in 2016
Let yourself be the best person in all your relationship in 2016.
Just focus how you can be the best in each these areas in 2016, and what best personal practices you can implement to achieve them.
Set your personal practices and feel free to share them with me, I would love to hear from you.
In next post I will write more on effective personal practices, stay tuned. If you like this post please share and subscribe to receive free gifts of beautifully designed Action-Approach manifesto.
Till then…
Breath. Live. Love. Laugh. Give & Meditate.
Take massive actions for your goals and enjoy the results of it. Remember only actions create results.
Wish you all a very happy and successful new year!
Have fun!
Bharat Jhala
(Image Credit: Daniela Cuevas)