Law of Exposure – The Master Key to Activate Law of Attraction

You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight – Jim Rohn
Today I have a very important message for you. Read this post to the end to find out the master key to get maximum out of your life.
Majority of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction – which states that “like attracts like” meaning that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences in life.
There is a lot of noise regarding this Law of Attraction on internet. You might also have tried to use it to win the fortune for your life. What was your experience with it? Could you figure out how to deal with it? Or while trying to practice this law it resulted only in more confusion, stress and doubts? If so, read this post. You might get some insight.
Is law of attraction true? Does it really work?
The answer is YES, it does work. But, you definitely need some tricks and techniques to activate it for you.
Important Facts of Human Life
First, let’s understand few facts of life that play an important role.
- As a human being we all have three beautiful qualities: We can think. We can feel. And we can act.
- The universe understands the language of vibrations and not the language of words that you use to create the best possible affirmation to implant in your mind. For example, if you are feeling miserable and still you repeatedly say the opposite affirmation to yourself, it will only deepen your frustration. Because deep down you know you’re lying.
- When you vibrate from a higher level, you experience joy, peace, contentment and enthusiasm. When you feel low and vibrate from a lower level, you experience more stress, complains, questions, frustrations and anger. And while engaging into this more, you end up being a crap magnet – that attracts more and more crap in your life in terms of misery and unhappiness.
- Most of the time instead of focusing on what we want, we focus on what we do not want. Remember, energy flows where attention goes. Naturally, we then end up attracting more of what we don’t want and less of what we want. As simple as that.
- Every choice we make has its own consequences that we must face and accept. Things come with strings attached.
Thoughts, Feelings and Actions – Three Dimensions of Life
Everything starts from a thought. The thought we repeat in our mind forms an emotion or feeling around that thought. That feeling eventually motivates us to take relevant action. And every action has its associated result.
Thoughts and feelings represent our internal world while actions and results represent our outer world. Our outer world is just the reflection of our internal world. As the famous proverb says: As you sow so shall you reap.
If we can think, feel and act in a perfect harmony, we can attract best of the best results in our life through our own actions. Although to bring this harmony itself is a huge challenge.
What Influences Our Thinking, Feeling and Actions?
Let me tell you a story of two parrots first.
Once upon a time there was a hunter. One day he went for hunting in the jungle and he caught two parrot chicks. Pleased with his possessions he thought he would teach these parrots to talk and so his kids would be very happy to have talking parrots around.
When he was returning home, one of the parrots somehow managed to escape and flew away to the other end of the forest where there was a sage’s ashram. The other parrot was brought to the hunter’s home and thus both parrots started living in two different environments.
After a few months, one day, a king was passing by the jungle on his horse. He was tired by the excruciating heat of sun and he was thirsty too! He saw one hut and he went there hopping to get some water. It was the place of that hunter. As soon as he entered into the gate, one parrot started shouting from his cage:
“Who’s there? Why the hell did you come here? Catch this idiot who is coming here and beat him black and blue.”
The king was very displeased on hearing such filthy language. He decided to ride in the other direction. Soon, he reached to a sage’s ashram. When the king came closer he was welcomed by a sweet voice:
“You’re welcome in the ashram your majesty! Please come and have a seat. Feel home here.”
King looked around and he was surprised to see one parrot seating on roof of the hut and was welcoming him with a sweet and polite language. After welcoming, he flew inside the hut to his master and said: “Guruji, you have an important visitor today. Please take him inside and offer him some refreshment.”
The king was amazed to witness two different behaviors of two parrots. He smiled and understood that a good exposure and training always give different results and that the man is known by the company he keeps.
The Law of Exposure – The Master Key to Influence Our Thinking, Feelings and Actions
There is one famous quote by Jim Rohn
“You are the average of 5 people you are keeping your company with.”
The Law of Exposure states, what you expose yourself to dramatically shapes how you think, feel and act.
Our mind is receptive by nature and hence every exposure leaves its imprint on mind. Our mind then starts thinking about it, and gradually shapes our thinking, feeling and behavior accordingly. And we are not even aware of this subtle programming.
To understand it even better, pay attention to what exposure you are giving to your mind, body and soul. Watch out your thoughts, feelings and actions for following things for 24 hours.
The type of food you eat.
The books you read.
The images you watch.
The people you are hang out with.
The conversation you are holding with yourself and with others.
Suggestions, opinions, criticisms or encouragement that you receive from others.
Your own responses or reactions towards situations, things, and people.
Choices you make when it comes to spend your time, money and energy on.
So on and so forth…
These are all exposures your body, mind and soul receive every single day. It’s not hard to imagine what kind of transformations these exposure can bring in you!
Now pay attention to the current quality of your life and question yourself: How have I been landed here?
Compare your current version with the version of five years before and check all areas of your life:
Are you overweight or underweight? – can be the result of the food you’re eating every single day for years.
Are you feeling more confident or more fearful? – can be the result of series of events that have happened in your life and your reactions for it.
The self-image you are projecting in your head,
The quality of self-talk you are holding in your head,
The belief system you have formed over the period of time,
– these all can be the direct results of how you think, feel and act and they are greatly influenced by your internal and external exposures.
All kind of exposures program our mind to function in a specific way. So, if you’re miserable and broke or mighty and successful that may be because of the design of your mental blueprint which forces you to think, feel and act in a certain way.
In short, the quality of exposure determines the quality of outcome of our life.
The Most Surprising Fact
Lot of people give themselves an inferior and mediocre exposure and still thinks that it won’t affect them! That they are still under control and this exposure will not affect them negatively. This is surprisingly true.
Ask yourself how many times you eat junk food and still believe that your health won’t be affected anytime soon with it?
The fact is, all exposures do affect everybody without exception, sooner or later. There is no escape.
Deep down inside you these exposures start changing your thinking, feeling and behavior in a specific way which may not be conducive to your personal growth and development. Such changes modify your actions and hence we face all unwanted results in our life.
How Law of Exposure Activates Law of Attraction?
Law of Exposure can be used to improve our choices that give the highest good exposures to our mind, body and soul.
Choose great titles to read that positively contribute to your personal growth.
Choose friends who are always full of life energy, and who are not small talkers or whiners, and who refuses to let you fail.
Choose wholesome and fresh food over junk food. Make exercise and meditation a daily part of your life. Your body is a temple – treat it with all due respect.
Spend your time and money wisely and thoughtfully.
Ask better questions to yourself that forces you to look for non-obvious answer, e.g. “Why can’t you reach your 10 years goals in next six months?”
Our exposure determines how we think, feel and act.
Thoughts, Feelings and Actions all combined are truly powerful thing. If they function in harmony, we start living in bliss, peace and gratitude instantly.
Even if negative emotions arise in us we embrace them without any rejection or attachment. In difficult times, our focus remains on counting our many blessings and not on complaining about challenges.
When you start living with contentment and gratitude, you no more have to force yourself repeating affirmations to feel good. Joy and bliss become your friends, smile never fades away from your face and you feel awesome at all the time. You live in complete harmony with nature and that very thing becomes your second nature.
Being in this state whatever you desire, universe is bound to manifest it for you. Not only this helps to enhance your clarity but also makes your desires pure and wholesome. You become a happiness magnet and attract success, peace, harmony and love in manifold.
Improve your exposure and experience instant happiness!
Call to Action:
- Write down what are the exposures you are giving to your mind, body and soul on daily basis? Find out how they have shaped your thoughts, emotions and actions.
- Decide your goals and set yourself for receiving the best exposures that supports exponential growth and harmony.
- Check on the self-image you’re projecting in your head. Keep the tone of self-talk positive.
- Think clearly. Act Confidently.
(Image Credit: Karin Henseler)
Awesome !
Thanks Sukhjit.
Thank you.
Amazing content Bharat!
Thank you for the inspiration!
Thank you :)
that is the real fact of life. really very inspiring.
Thank You and welcome on AYA :)
Thank you , beautiful article. Loved reading it, hope you won’t mind me sharing some ideas from it .
Thank you. And please feel free to share :)